
Date and Time


12:00 - 1:30pm




There are over 100 liver diseases.
Over 7 million Canadians have non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) and over half a million Canadians suffer from chronic viral hepatitis.

Learn how to diagnose and manage your Liver patients through interactive online medical education.


Date and Time


12:00 - 1:30pm



Program learning objectives:

  • Describe the impact of liver disease on the Canadian population health
  • Identify and initiate treatment of liver infection, including diagnosis, assessment, management and follow-up of persons affected with liver infection
  • Apply liver treatment and management tools to clinical care in participants’ own practice setting

2024 Summer/Fall Program Curriculum
10 June Approach to Abnormal Liver Test 
17 June Fibrosis Assessment & Introduction to Cirrhosis  
24 June Cirrhosis: Management of Key Complications
1 July No session - Canada Day
8 July Hepatitis C:  Pre-treatment & regimen selection
15 July - 2 Sept No session - Summer Break
09 Sept Hepatitis C: Management, Monitoring and Follow up
16 Sept Hepatitis C: Patient Case Discussion
23 Sept Hepatitis B: Screening, Natural history and Vaccination
30 Sept Hepatitis B: Treatment options including Special Populations: Pregnancy, Children, Immuno-Suppressed patients and Healthcare workers
07 Oct Fatty Liver I: Disease Burden, Diagnosis & Staging  
14 Oct No Session - Thanksgiving
21 Oct Fatty Liver II: Treatment and Management
28 Oct Obesity and Obesity Management
04 Nov Alcohol Hepatitis and Alcohol-Associated Liver Disease (AALD)
11 Nov Management of Alcohol Use Disorders In Primary Care (AUD) and Alcohol Withdrawal in Primary Care
18 Nov Primer for less common liver diseases Part 1: Autoimmune 
25 Nov Primer for less common liver diseases Part 2: Genetic (Hemochromatosis and Wilson’s Disease)
02 Dec Approach to Liver nodules and cysts  
09 Dec Liver Disease in Children
16 Dec Managing Patients after Hospital Discharge

This Group Learning program has been certified by the College of Family Physicians of Canada and the Ontario Chapter for up to 57.75 Mainpro+ credits.
CPD certificates will be emailed to participants at the end of each cycle


Case Presentation 

  • Do you have a challenging liver patient case? 
  • ECHO offers access to interprofessional, specialist and community input to gain practical tips to best care for your patient, without the wait time.  
  • All patient cases are anonymous. Please do not share any patient identifying information. 

ECHO Patient Case Form


Interprofessional “Hub” Team

Hemant Shah
Medical Co-Lead of ECHO Liver, Hepatologist
Jordan Feld
Medical Co-Lead of ECHO Liver, Hepatologist
Craig Kuhn
Family Physician & Addiction Specialist
Elizabeth Lee
Nurse Practitioner
Magdalena Kuczynski
Registered Nurse
Morven Cunningham
Hemant Shah
Medical Co-Lead of ECHO Liver, Hepatologist
Jordan Feld
Medical Co-Lead of ECHO Liver, Hepatologist
Craig Kuhn
Family Physician & Addiction Specialist
Elizabeth Lee
Nurse Practitioner
Magdalena Kuczynski
Registered Nurse
Morven Cunningham