- Aberrant drug-related behaviours
- Assessment (General Pain Assessment)
- Back Pain
- Cannabis
- Central Sensitization Syndrome
- Chronic Pain Fundamentals
- Chronic Pelvic Pain
- Chronic Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS)
- Clinics and Directories
- Communication and Chronic pain
- Fibromyalgia
- Headaches and Migraines
- Myofascial Pain
- Neuropathic Pain
- Non-Opioid Pharmacological Management
- Opioids
- Other Pain Tools for Providers
- Pain and Cognitive Impairment
- Pain Education Resources
- Pregnancy and Pain
- Pain Neuroscience Education
- Self Management
- Sickle Cell and Chronic Pain
- Smoking
ECHO at UHN does not have any affiliations or financial interest with any resources shared.
Aberrant drug-related behaviours
Assessment (General Pain Assessment)
Back Pain
Back Pain Handout
Bussières, André, et al. "Non-surgical interventions for lumbar spinal stenosis leading to neurogeni
CEP -Manual Therapy as an Evidence-Based Referral for Musculoskeletal Pain Clinical Tool [The Tool]
Clinically Organized Relevant Exam (CORE) Back Tool. Centre for Effective Practice
Dr. John Flannery’s Core Back Exam
Low Back Exam Form for EMR - Dr Carlo Ammendolia -Mount Sinai Hospital
Low Back Pain Guideline & Supporting Resources. Institute of Health Economics (IHE)
The American College of Physicians to Noninvasive Treatments for Acute, Subacute, and Chronic Low Ba
Patient Resource: Imaging Tests for Low Back Pain: When you need them and when you don’t. Choosing W
Patient Resource: Treating Lower Back Pain: How much bed rest is too much? Choosing Wisely
Patient Resource: Understanding Low Back Pain (video) by Dr.Mike Evans
STarT Back tool
Health Quality Ontario to Ontario Pain Management Resources: A Partnership to Help Clinicians Suppor
ASRA Pain Medicine consensus guidelines on the management of the perioperative patient on cannabis a
Bhaskar, Arun, et al. "Consensus recommendations on dosing and administration of medical cannabis to
Busse, Jason W., et al. "Medical cannabis or cannabinoids for chronic pain: a clinical practice guid
Canada's Lower-Risk Cannabis Use Guidelines (CAMH)
Canadian lower risk Cannabis use guidelines
Cannabis – tools, resources and articles. Ontario College of Family Physicians
Drug interactions with cannabinoids. Tony Antoniou, Jack Bodkin, Joanne M.-W. Ho CMAJ Mar 2020, 192
Information for Health Care Professionals: Cannabis (marihuana, marijuana) and the cannabinoids. Gov
MacCallum, Caroline A., and Ethan B. Russo. "Practical considerations in medical cannabis administra
Marijuana for Medical Purposes. CPSO (2019)
Medical Cannabinoids: Guideline Summary. CFPC
Medical Document Authorizing the use of Cannabis for Medical. Government of Canada (2018)
Simplified guideline for prescribing medical cannabinoids in primary care. Allan et al. (2018)
UWaterloo Cannabis 101 infographic
Central Sensitization Syndrome
Chronic Pain Fundamentals
Chronic Pelvic Pain
Chronic Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS)
Clinics and Directories
Communication and Chronic pain
Communicating About Chronic Pain: Instructions for Clinicians. VHA Office of Patient Centered Care a
Integrating Motivational Interviewing in Pain Neuroscience Education for People with Chronic Pain: A
Pain Management Doesn’t have to be a Pain: Working and Communicating Effectively with Patients who h
The Importance of Good Communication in Treating Patient’s Pain. Gupta (2015).
2012 Canadian Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Management of Fibromyalgia Syndrome in Adults
AAPT Diagnostic Criteria for Fibromyalgia
Arnold, L. M., Bennett, R. M., Crofford, L. J., Dean, L. E., Clauw, D. J., Goldenberg, D. L., Fitzch
Dr. Flannery's Fibromyalgia Exam:
Dubin R. (2014). Keep it simple: easing the care burden of fibromyalgia. Canadian family physician M
Fibromyalgia Questionnaire
Fibromyalia Association of Canada
Novel pharmaceutical options for treating fibromyalgia – Gerardi et al
Headaches and Migraines
Cervicogenic Headaches. StatsPearls (2021)
Diagnosis and acute management of migraine
Guideline for Primary Care Management of Headaches. Institute of Health Economics
CORE Neck Tool and Headache Navigator. Center for Effective Practice
Guideline for primary care management of headache in adults. Becker (2015)
Patient Resource Headache Diary. Institute of Health Economics
Management of Primary Headaches in Pregnancy
Non-pharmacological approaches for migraine
Patient Resource Migraine Tracking [App]
Patient Resource: Imaging for headaches. Choosing Wisely
Patient Resource Migraine Tracking [App]
Patient Resource My Chronic Migraine
Myofascial Pain
The Trigger Point & Referred Pain Guide
Travell & Simons’ myofascial pain and dysfunction, 3rd edition (preview)
A review of skeletal muscle relaxants for pain management. Fudin, J., and M. Raouf. Pract Pain Manag
Patient Resource Neck and shoulder pain from myofascial trigger points exercises - Andrea Furlan
Patient Resource low-back pain exercises - Andrea Furlan
Patient Resource Pain Syndrome - Andrea Furlan
Patient Resource Patient Education - Myofascial Pain Syndrome
Neuropathic Pain
Non-Opioid Pharmacological Management
Canadian Opioid Guideline (2017)
CDC Guideline for prescribing opioids for Chronic Pain – United States (2016)
Coffin, Phillip O., and Antje M. Barreveld. "Inherited Patients Taking Opioids for Chronic Pain—Cons
Essential Clinical Skills for Opioid Prescribers. Women’s College Hospital. (2018)
Methadone for Analgesia Guidelines. College of Physicians of British Columbia (2016)
Opioid Manager
Opioid Use Disorder: Management of opioid use disorders: a national clinical practice guideline. Bru
Opioid Prescribing for Chronic Pain. (HQO)
Dosing: A pharmacist framework for implementation of the Canadian Guideline for Opioids for Chronic
Dosing: Demystifying opioid conversion calculations: Guide to effective dosing. McPherson (2009)
Tapering: Guidance on opioid tapering in the context of chronic pain: Evidence, practical advice and
Tapering: National Guideline for the Clinical Management of Opioid Use Disorder. (2018)
Tapering:Clinical Opiate Withdrawal Scale (COWS)
Tapering:DSM-5 Worksheet: Updated Criteria for Diagnosis of Opioid Use Disorders -
Tapering:Opioid Risk Tool (ORT)
Tapering:Managing Opioid Withdrawal. Drs. Squire & Jovey
Tapering:Tapering Opioids using motivational interviewing. Crawley et al (2018)
Tapering:Opioid Taper Template. RxFiles (2018)
Tapering:What interventions are effective to taper opioids in patients with chronic pain? Sandhu (20
Opioid Use Disorder - (HQO)
Opioid Use Disorder: Opioid Aberrant Behaviour Tracker
Opioid Use Disorder:Treating opioid use disorder in primary care. Perry, Orrantia and Garrison (2019
Buprenorphine/Naloxone for Opioid Dependence: Clinical Practice Guideline
Buprenorphine/Naloxone: Converting from Transdermal to Buccal Formulations of Buprenorphine: A Pharm
Patient Resource: My Opioid Manager
Patient Resource:Managing Opioid Withdrawal – for patients. Drs. Squire & Jovey
Patient Resource:Chronic Pain Anonymous (CPA)
Patient Resource:Canada’s Opioid Crisis. Government of Canada
Other Pain Tools for Providers
Canadian Pain Society
Injustice Experience Questionnaire
Online Self-Assessment Program (SAP) of Opioids for Chronic Non-Cancer Pain
IASP Classification of Chronic Pain for the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11)
Ontario Pain Management Resources | Health Quality Ontario
Pain BC Toolbox
The Pain Toolkit
Toronto Academic Pain Medicine Institute (TAPMI)
Pain and Cognitive Impairment
Pain Education Resources
[Book] The Way Out
Beyond Stigma Video
Chronic Pain Centre of Excellence for Canadian Veterans
Chronic Pain Champions
Introduction to Good Brain Bad Brain Chronic Pain by Michael Coupland
Let’s Talk about Pain with Dr. Furlan (youtube channel)
Pain BC’s Live Plan Be
Tame the Beast, patient resource website from Lorimer Moseley
The Mystery of Chronic Pain: Ted Talk by Elliot Krane
The Pain Toolkit
Understanding Pain: Brainman chooses
Understanding Pain: Brainman stops his opioids
What is Chronic Pain and how is it different from regular pain?
Pregnancy and Pain
Davenport, Margie H., et al. "Infographic. Prenatal physical activity: baby steps for better health.
Dr. Andrea Furlan - Low back pain in pregnancy
Dr. Andrea Furlan - Pain and Pregnancy
Lactmed (Drug and Lactation Database)
Management of Primary Headaches in Pregnancy
Mother to Baby
Pelvic girdle pain and pregnancy
Pain Neuroscience Education
Self Management
Sickle Cell and Chronic Pain
American Society of Hematology 2020 guidelines for sickle cell disease: management of acute and chro
New Insights on Pain and Opioid Use in People With Sickle Cell Disease After Hematopoietic Stem Cell
Pain and opioid use after reversal of sickle cell disease following HLA-matched sibling haematopoiet
Sickle Cell Disease Quality Standards (Health Quality Ontario)
Vaishya, R., Agarwal, A. K., Edomwonyi, E. O., & Vijay, V. (2015). Musculoskeletal Manifestations of
Effect of smoking status and nicotine dependence on pain intensity and outcome of treatment. Katyaya
Pain, Nicotine, and Smoking: Research Findings and Mechanistic Considerations. Ditre (2012)
Smoking and Pain: Pathophysiology and Clinical Implications. Shi et al (2010)
Smoking Cigarettes as a Coping Strategy for Chronic Pain is Associated with Greater Pain Intensity a
Status as a Predictor of Smoking Cessation Initiation, Lapse, and Relapse